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We make the Costs of Purchasing Consulting Services transparent!

The process cost calculator from White Label Advisory. Find out in less than two minutes what individual savings potential White Label Advisory can bring you in the purchase-to-pay process for consulting services. How many tenders for external consulting services do you carry out? How much time and effort do you, or your department, need on average to evaluate and award tenders? How often do tendered projects end up being awarded for "political reasons"? Do you use standardized RfP templates and avoid the typical mistakes in the tendering process?

With just a few clicks, you can estimate your organization's own expenses in purchasing and billing consulting services along a simplified purchase-to-pay process to calculate your savings potential in purchasing consulting services with White Label Advisory. If you don't want to make an estimate or don't have any data available, you can use standard market costs for purchasing consulting services as a benchmark. Why do you save on consulting procurement with White Label Advisory? With White Label Advisory as a partner in the procurement of consulting services, the time required for many process steps from tendering to invoicing is reduced; in some cases, these steps are even completely eliminated: the tendering process is optimized, providers are made comparable and your administration costs are reduced. Would you like a personal analysis or would you like to find out more about how we can optimize your procurement process for consulting services with White Label Advisory - without having to compromise on consulting quality? Talk to us at any time! 

White Label Advisory is Germany's largest general consulting firm. With our curated consulting portfolio, you will find the perfect expertise for your project. We are always at your side to challenge your existing suppliers, identify new providers or consolidate your professional services spend.

Are you currently looking for a consultancy? Do you need a second opinion on an existing offer? Or would you simply like to get in touch with us when it comes to engaging external IT or consulting services? Feel free to contact us at any time!

Philipp Weber


White Label Advisory in Figures

Excellent Consultancies
Average Daily Rate
Offers per Tender
Average Project Size
% by your Side